North Sails Weather – Friday 26 Jan

FRI 26. 8.30am



Yesterday the wind over the eastern Bay behaved closer to the forecast; breeze in the west held from the S most of the day – strongest 9-10am with mixing then eased back.

S flow is still running across all Northland – stronger offshore, but easing everywhere and will shift thermally left SE-E-NE today.

Tomorrow the flow will shift around to the NW and build a little in the afternoon then build more on Sunday ahead of a front on Sunday night with cloud and rain.



S breeze now varying from 2 kts in the west to 10-12 kts in the far east and outside Brett.

A much softer day with least breeze mid to late morning when it will shift left to SE-E, max breeze increasing from 8 kts to low teens in the mid afternoon when breeze will be max left and most likely from NE?



  1. obs. S of 1-3 kts in close and 8-11 kts out wide.
  2. 150-180/5-8
  3. 100-130/3-7
  4. 050-080/6-10
  5. 040-070/9-12
  6. 030-050/8-12



SAT 27. W/2-5 then NW-NNW/13-17 afternoon

SUN 28. NW/7-10 then NW/16-20; rain developing afternoon then more at night